Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Let Me Tell You

"Let me tell you how it feels," she said,
words swarming from her mouth like angry ants,
biting at everything.

"Let me tell you how it feels," she said,
words spooling and re-spooling,
like a printer jammed with paper.

"Let me tell you how it feels," she said,
words sinking into the river of air,
depressed girls with irons in the pockets of their raincoats.

"Let me tell you how it feels," she said,
having given up completely
on feeling anything whatsoever.


Blogger Carter said...

nice work

12:07 PM  
Blogger clutterofechoes said...

Ran across your page.
This poem is wonderful, concise and unique. That happens so rarely.

2:19 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Thank you both for your encouraging comments. I really appreciate the feedback.

3:22 PM  

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